Friday, May 15, 2020



Remove Nail Polish:

It might seem obvious to remove your current
nail polish before starting your pedicure, but many people overlook this first step. Use a
cotton ball and acetone polish remover to clear all of the nail polish off of your nails. Try
your best to avoid getting too much of the acetone on your skin or cuticles as it can dry out
your skin. Once you have completely removed the polish from your nails you are ready for
the fun stuff.

Soak Feet:

Fill up a basin, bowl, or foot spa with warm water. Use a bowl that you can put both of your
feet into at the same time; who wants to be switching feet constantly? After you fill up the
bowl with warm water, add soothing fragrances of your choice. Bubble bath mix and
Epsom salts will do a lot to add to the experience, and you may even consider commercial
foot soaks specifically made for pedicures. When you are done mixing the ingredients you
want, dip your feet in and prepare to relax for the next 10 minutes or so. Soaking your feet
softens your cuticles and makes them easier to remove.

Take Care of Cuticles:

This next step requires either a cuticle stick or an orangewood stick which can be bought at
your local beauty supply store. Remove and dry one of your feet. Gently apply and massage
cuticle oil into bed of your nails. Take your cuticle stick and use it to carefully push back the
dead skin. When you’re finished, rub a little more cuticle oil in and then repeat the process
with the next foot. Although some salons and spas cut your cuticles during this part of the
pedicure, it is not recommended that you take this approach at home. An untrained person
may risk severe damage and infection when cutting their own cuticles.


Here is where you will work on softening up those calluses so they will be easier to handle
in the next step. Exfoliation helps get rid of the dead skin on the surface of your feet so that
fresher, healthier skin can be brought to the forefront. There’s plenty of exfoliating foot
scrubs out there for you to experiment with or you can choose make your own. When you
are ready, take your scrub and use it to massage one of your feet for 2-3 minutes. Return it

to the bowl and exfoliate the next foot. Rinse off all of the excess foot scrub before moving
on to the next step.

Treat Calluses:

Calluses can be treated using callus stones or foot files. Scrub or file the bottom of your feet
where the skin is the thickest. It is important to note that these tools should be used in an
effort to smooth out the skin and not necessarily remove the callus. Calluses protect our
feet and their removal can lead to painful blistering. If smoothing out your calluses starts to
hurt at any point, you are going at it too hard and should either stop completely or take it

Trim and File Nails:

When you clip your nails clip straight across and use your file to achieve the desired shape.
Don’t cut too close or you will risk an ingrown nail. When you file your nails, try to go for a
square shape with rounded edges as opposed to an oval appearance which can also lead to
ingrown nails.

Massage Feet/Moisturize:

You’ve been working hard, so give yourself a little break and soak your feet a bit more. Pick
your favorite moisturizer and massage it into your feet. You are almost done!

Apply Polish/Let Feet Dry:

Before you begin applying polish, take a cotton ball of nail polish remover and use it to
remove any leftover moisturizer or oils left on your toe nails. Toe separators will make the
application a whole lot easier, but if you don’t have them it’s not a problem. Lay down a
base coat and wait a couple of minutes before adding your color coat. After adding your
color coat you can either add another or finish off your pedicure with the final top coat.
Don’t try to artificially dry your feet with a hair dryer or other technique. Relax for 15-20
minutes and your pedicure will be complete.

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