Friday, May 15, 2020

Dry skin type

Dry Skin Type

If you have dry skin, you may feel a tightness in your skin. There may also be scaly patches
or flaking. Those with dry skin generally have almost invisible pores, and may suffer from
premature wrinkles and regular irritation to the skin. 
What Causes Dry Skin?
The cause of dry skin can be attributed to a variety of factors. For some, dry skin is
hereditary, as genetic predispositions can affect the amount of sebum produced in the
skin’s oil glands. Sebum is responsible for keeping our skin soft and supple.
Many assume that dry skin is due to a lack of moisture, but the water content of dry skin is
generally found in similar levels to that of oily skin. Adding water to dry skin is actually
counterproductive to treating this skin condition.
The Importance of Moisturizer for Dry Skin
Finding a moisturizer that helps your skin replenish its vibrancy is essential. Those with
dry skin often suffer from slight allergic reactions and tend to benefit from creams instead
of lotions when it comes to moisturizers, as they contain more oil, making it thicker and
more moisturizing. The more oil found in a moisturizer, the better it can absorb throughout
the epidermis’ barriers to help hydrate the tissue. Before adding a daily moisturizer to your
skin regimen, make sure to test it on a small portion of your skin to ensure you don’t have
an allergic reaction.
Avoid Harsh Cleansers
Those with dry skin are generally advised to avoid benzoyl peroxide treatments, as this
further diminishes the amount of oil our glands produce. BioClarity products contain no
benzoyl peroxide and offer replenishing, moisturizing ingredients such as green tea extract
to ensure your skin remains moisturized and supple.

Normal skin types

Normal Skin Type

When it comes to normal skin, the individual generally doesn’t describe their skin as oily or
dry. When oiliness and dryness are present, it’s rare and tends to be easy to get rid of or
resolve. When it comes to pore size, normal skin types feature small pores that are not
engorged or easily visible. Normal skin doesn’t normally have a great excess of shine, and it
also doesn’t tend to be cracked or flaky. Normal skin types usually exhibit few lines and
wrinkles, and the skin’s tone is generally even, with no marked blemishes.
Normal skin is not a synonym for perfect skin and even those who characterize their skin
as normal deal with the occasional blemish or other skin issues. Skin changes over time as
well, meaning those that have no skin problems currently could potentially develop issues
with age and life events, including pregnancy and menopause. If your hormone levels
change for any reason, or you happen to use a product that your skin is sensitive to, you
may experience a hormonal acne breakout.
Those with a normal skin type should use products that don’t make their skin feel overly
greasy and avoid products that cause excessive dryness. While normal skin types require
less maintenance than other skin types, it’s important to remain consistent with a regular
skin care product like BioClarity that’s gentle on the skin but provides the key ingredients
to keep your epidermis looking and feeling its best.

Theory of skin tones


1. Normal Skin Type
2. Dry Skin Type
3. Oily Skin Type
4. Combination Skin
5. Sensitive Skin
How many skin types are there? There are five main skin types: normal, dry, oily,
combination and sensitive. Understanding the different types of skin will give you a better
idea of how to treat acne breakouts and reveal smooth, clear skin.
Your skin type is usually due to genetic predisposition, but there are habits that can
exacerbate a skin condition. Pinpointing your skin type and understanding the ways to
properly treat it can help you achieve clear, healthy-looking skin for a lifetime. Each skin
type has a specific set of characteristics and symptoms, and thus requires special attention.
Read on to find out about your personal skin type and determine how to best treat it.


Facials are among the most popular spa
treatments and are used to nourish the skin
by exfoliating and cleansing.
Being pampered by an esthetician is a relaxing
and rejuvenating experience that everyone should make a part of their beauty routine.
In this blog, I will explain the steps of a basic facial. While there are countless facial
techniques, most of them have these steps in common:


Your esthetician will wrap your hair in a headband or a towel and remove any makeup that
you may be wearing. Some spas have their estheticians rub cream, jell, or lotion onto your
face and neck and use cotton pads, cloths, and warm water to remove the cleanser. Once
your face is completely clean, you are ready for the next step.


During step two, your eyes will be covered by moistened pads and your esthetician will use
a lighted magnifying glass/lamp to look at your skin and determine what kind of treatment
you will need. The magnifying glass/lamp will help show what type of skin type you have
(oily, dry, etc.) and if you have any skin conditions (acne, sunburn, blackheads, etc.) that
need to be accounted for during your treatment. Your esthetician will give you his/her
recommendations for the treatment and the two of you will come to an agreement about
what will best fit your needs.


This is where the fun stuff starts. Warm steam will be applied to your face using either a
heated, moist towel or a machine that gently directs a layer of steam to your face. The
warm steam is extremely relaxing and loosens up the muscles in your face. The steam
weakens blackheads and whiteheads and the sweat it produces will help clear your pours.


Depending on the facial technique being used, the exfoliation process can take place before,
after, or during the steam. An exfoliation gel, cream, mask, peel, or gommage will usually be

applied before or after the steam. These products need to be left on your face to treat
blackheads. Exfoliation products that involve scrubbing or massage techniques can usually
be used during the steam step.


Now that your skin has been exfoliated and the steam has relaxed your face, it is time to
extract any whiteheads and blackheads. Because the previous steps were preparation for
this one, the extractions should not be very painful. Your estheticians may use the lighted
magnifying glass/lamp again to locate the imperfections in your skin. Different estheticians
use different extraction techniques. You can discuss this before your facial or the


Who doesn’t love a massage? After the extraction procedure you deserve to be pampered. A
facial massage will be used to stimulate your facial muscles and put you in a state of deep
relaxation. Depending on the type of facial, oil or lotion may be used during the massage.

Facial Mask

After your massage a facial mask will be applied. The mask will be specially formulated to
match your skin type and help treat any skin conditions that were discussed during the
consultation. During most facials you will receive a massage while you wait for the mask to
work its magic.

Final Applications

After the mask is removed you will likely receive an application of skin specific cream or
gel. You may also receive moisturizer, serums, and sunscreen.

Face clean up


1. Cleansing

"Face cleaning is important to have a bright,
glowing skin. Wash your face thoroughly with a
facial cleanser or face wash, and pat the skin
dry with a soft towel. "Avoid hot water as it
dries out the skin"
Next, dab some cleansing milk on a cotton pad
and wipe your face with it in order to unclog

your pores and remove any leftover dirt.

2. Steaming

 Steam for as long as your skin can sustain (approximately 5 minutes) and then gently wipe
the face with a facial tissue. This step works wonders for oily skin. Massage your face using
an ice cube (in circular motions), thereafter, to tighten the pores and bring back the skin
temperature to normal.

3. Scrubbing

Proceed by applying a face scrub for a few minutes since it helps eliminate dead skin cells,
which make your skin look dull.

4. Face Pack

No matter what your skin type is, the application of a moisturising face pack makes your
skin soft and also improves your skin tone.

5. Toning:
6. Moisturisation

Finally, apply a nourishing cream on your face and neck.



Remove Nail Polish:

It might seem obvious to remove your current
nail polish before starting your pedicure, but many people overlook this first step. Use a
cotton ball and acetone polish remover to clear all of the nail polish off of your nails. Try
your best to avoid getting too much of the acetone on your skin or cuticles as it can dry out
your skin. Once you have completely removed the polish from your nails you are ready for
the fun stuff.

Soak Feet:

Fill up a basin, bowl, or foot spa with warm water. Use a bowl that you can put both of your
feet into at the same time; who wants to be switching feet constantly? After you fill up the
bowl with warm water, add soothing fragrances of your choice. Bubble bath mix and
Epsom salts will do a lot to add to the experience, and you may even consider commercial
foot soaks specifically made for pedicures. When you are done mixing the ingredients you
want, dip your feet in and prepare to relax for the next 10 minutes or so. Soaking your feet
softens your cuticles and makes them easier to remove.

Take Care of Cuticles:

This next step requires either a cuticle stick or an orangewood stick which can be bought at
your local beauty supply store. Remove and dry one of your feet. Gently apply and massage
cuticle oil into bed of your nails. Take your cuticle stick and use it to carefully push back the
dead skin. When you’re finished, rub a little more cuticle oil in and then repeat the process
with the next foot. Although some salons and spas cut your cuticles during this part of the
pedicure, it is not recommended that you take this approach at home. An untrained person
may risk severe damage and infection when cutting their own cuticles.


Here is where you will work on softening up those calluses so they will be easier to handle
in the next step. Exfoliation helps get rid of the dead skin on the surface of your feet so that
fresher, healthier skin can be brought to the forefront. There’s plenty of exfoliating foot
scrubs out there for you to experiment with or you can choose make your own. When you
are ready, take your scrub and use it to massage one of your feet for 2-3 minutes. Return it

to the bowl and exfoliate the next foot. Rinse off all of the excess foot scrub before moving
on to the next step.

Treat Calluses:

Calluses can be treated using callus stones or foot files. Scrub or file the bottom of your feet
where the skin is the thickest. It is important to note that these tools should be used in an
effort to smooth out the skin and not necessarily remove the callus. Calluses protect our
feet and their removal can lead to painful blistering. If smoothing out your calluses starts to
hurt at any point, you are going at it too hard and should either stop completely or take it

Trim and File Nails:

When you clip your nails clip straight across and use your file to achieve the desired shape.
Don’t cut too close or you will risk an ingrown nail. When you file your nails, try to go for a
square shape with rounded edges as opposed to an oval appearance which can also lead to
ingrown nails.

Massage Feet/Moisturize:

You’ve been working hard, so give yourself a little break and soak your feet a bit more. Pick
your favorite moisturizer and massage it into your feet. You are almost done!

Apply Polish/Let Feet Dry:

Before you begin applying polish, take a cotton ball of nail polish remover and use it to
remove any leftover moisturizer or oils left on your toe nails. Toe separators will make the
application a whole lot easier, but if you don’t have them it’s not a problem. Lay down a
base coat and wait a couple of minutes before adding your color coat. After adding your
color coat you can either add another or finish off your pedicure with the final top coat.
Don’t try to artificially dry your feet with a hair dryer or other technique. Relax for 15-20
minutes and your pedicure will be complete.



Step 1: Remove current nail polish

Step 2: Clip, file and buff your nails.

Clip nails first, if necessary. Then file (in one direction) to get your tips square, round or
somewhere in between. Buff tops and sides of nails lightly with a nail buffer (not your
emery board) to create a smooth surface.

Step 3: Push back your cuticles.

Soften cuticles with oil or lotion and then push back gently with a cuticle stick. Your cuticles
protect your nails from bacteria and keep them soft, so avoid cutting them.

Step 4: Exfoliate your hands.

Exfoliate hands, wrists and forearms with a hand scrub that eliminates dead skin cells and
replenishes moisture. Use a nailbrush to clean under nails. Wash hands afterward and dry
them thoroughly.

Step 5: Moisturize your hands.

Moisturize now to avoid smudging almost-dry nail polish later. Take the opportunity to
give yourself a mini hand massage—just because you are not at the spa doesn't mean you
can't relax! To finish, swipe each nail with nail polish remover.

Step 6: Apply the nail polish base coat.

Apply base coat to hydrate and protect nails and prevent chipping.  wait two full minutes
between each coat, starting with the base coat.

Step 7: Apply the first coat of color nail polish.

Now for the fun part! Apply a coat of your newest hue, being sure to get the brush all the
way down to the cuticle and into the corners of the nail. Maximum coverage on the first
coat makes the second coat a breeze.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Eyebrow Threading

What Is Eyebrow Threading?
Threading is an ancient hair removal method with temporary results. It is
popularly used to remove hair from areas such as the eyebrows, around the lips,
cheeks, and chin. The technique incorporates the use of cotton threads that are
twisted and used to pull the hair from the root, much like waxing and tweezing.
However, the results from threading are sharper and more defined. This
technique can remove fine and short hair for cleaner results.

Is Eyebrow Threading Safe?
Not only is eyebrow threading much more efficient than tweezing or waxing, but
it is also much safer. It removes the hair from the root without pulling at your
skin too much. Although threading can be as painful as waxing, it is quick and
gives you symmetrical and long-lasting results. Tweezing is time consuming, and
waxing can leave the fragile skin around your eyebrows feeling sore for an entire
day. This is why threading is a safer and superior alternative.

You Will Need:
  •  A 14-inch piece of high-cotton sewing thread
  •  A pair of eyebrow scissors
  •  Eyebrow brush
  •  Eyebrow pencil
  •  Aloe vera gel/Ice pack

Few Indian Airport codes

Few Indian Airport Codes (IATA / ICAO)
Mumbai Chattrapathi Shivaji International Airport [ Code BOM ]
Bangalore Bengaluru International Airport [ Code BLR ]
New Delhi Indira Gandhi International Airport [ Code DEL ]
Hyderabad Rajiv Gandhi International Airport [ Code HYD ]
Chennai Meenambarkkam International Airport [ Code MAA ]
Kolkata Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose International Airport [ Code CCU ]
Ahmedabad Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International Airport [ Code AMD ]
Dabolim Goa International Airport [ Code GOI ]
Pune Pune Airport [ Code PNQ ]
Guwahati Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport [ Code GAU ]
Lucknow Chaudhary Charan Singh Airport [ Code LKO ]
Jaipur Jaipur International Airport [ Code JAI ]
Bhubaneswar Biju Patnaik International Airport [ Code BBI ]
Patna Jaya Prakash Narayan Airport [ Code PAT ]

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Few Best Airlines around world


few airlines around world

qatar airways onboard bar

Qatar Airways

In a relatively short time, Qatar Airways has grown to more than 140 destinations worldwide, offering levels of service excellence that helped the award-winning carrier to become best in the world. Qatar Airways network spans business and leisure destinations across Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia Pacific, North America and South America.

singapore airlines airbus a380

Singapore Airlines

Singapore Airlines is one of the most respected travel brands around the world. Flying one of the youngest aircraft fleets in the world to destinations spanning a network spread over six continents, the Singapore Girl is an internationally-recognisable icon providing the high standards of care and service that customers have come to expect of Singapore Airlines.

ana all nippon airways dreamliner

ANA All Nippon Airways

ANA All Nippon Airways is the largest airline in Japan. Founded in 1952, ANA flies to around 80 international routes and over 110 domestic routes. ANA has been a member of Star Alliance since 1999. Its Frequent Flyer Program, ANA Mileage Club, has more than 29 million members. ANA was the launch customer and is the biggest operator of the Boeing 787.

cathay pacific premium economy

Cathay Pacific Airways

The Hong Kong-based Cathay Pacific Group offers scheduled passenger and cargo services to over 200 destinations in Asia, North America, Australia, Europe and Africa, using a fleet of close to 200 aircraft. Cathay Pacific is a founder member of the oneworld global alliance and Cathay Dragon is an affiliate member.

emirates airbus a380


Founded in 1985, and flying out of Dubai with just two aircraft, Emirates now has a fleet of more than 230 aircraft, and currently fly to over 140 destinations in more than 80 countries around the world. The Emirates network is expanding constantly, with over 1,500 flights departing Dubai each week on their way to destinations on six continents.

eva air new livery


EVA Air was established in 1989, and is a member of Star Alliance. EVA serves a global network that connects Asia and Mainland China to Europe, North America and Oceania and links more than 60 major business and tourist destinations. EVA operates from their hub at Taoyuan International Airport in Taiwan.

hainan airlines cabin crew

Hainan Airlines

Hainan Airlines was founded in January, 1993 in Hainan Province. At the end of June 2018, Hainan Airlines and its holding subsidiaries had over 400 aircraft in operation and 24 bases/branch companies. Hainan Airlines network covers China, numerous points in Asia and extends to Europe, North America and the South Pacific.

qantas a380

Qantas Airways

Founded in 1920, Qantas is the flag carrier of Australia and a founding member of the Oneworld airline alliance. Qantas is now Australia’s largest domestic and international airline.

lufthansa airbus a380


Lufthansa is the largest airline in Germany, and one of the five founding members of Star Alliance. Lufthansa’s primary hub is Frankfurt Airport, with Munich Airport being the airlines secondary hub.

thai airways cabin crew

Thai Airways

Thai Airways is the flag carrier airline of Thailand, formed in 1988. Thai Airways is a founding member of the Star Alliance. Including its subsidiaries, Thai Airways flies to 84 destinations in 37 countries, using a fleet of over 90 aircraft. The company slogan “Smooth as Silk” is a key brand denominator.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Departments of Airlines

Departments of Airlines:

https://www.iflyacademy.com1. Commercial Department :

 This includes:
  • Passenger Facilities
  • Check-in Counter
  • Security Check Area 
  • Baggage Make-up Area
  • Flight Announcement
  • Making the reports 
  • Departure Clearance
  • Ramp Handling etc 

2. Cargo Departure:
This includes

  • Acceptance of the Cargo
  • Delivery of the Cargo
  • Marking and labelling of the cargo
  • weighing of the cargo
  • Identification of the cargo etc 

3.Mis - Handled Baggage Department

This includes:
  • Locating the Baggage
  • Communicating the customer
  • Doorstep delivery of the baggage 
  • Giving compensation, if needed to the baggage etc.

4.Reservation Department

    This Includes: 
    • Booking the ticket
    • Handling the passenger queries
    • Handling the help desk
    • Cancellation of the tickets
    • Prepornment and postpornment of journey
    • cash handling
    • Re-Routing of journey and Re-confirmation of journey  etc

    5.Airline security

    This Includes: 
      Image result for airline security
    • Screening the check-in baggage
    • Handling the Arms Carriage
    • Access Control
    • Head Counting
    • Secondary Frisking
    • Passenger Profiling

    6.Operations Department:

    This Includes:
    • Welcoming the passenger on-board the flight
    • Making announcement In-Flight Safety
    • Checking the kit
    • Assisting the special passengers 
    • Handling the Emergencies on-board
    • Handling the business class passengers 


      Aviation Aviation industry is the business sector that manufactures, maintains, and operates the aircrafts and the airports. When it comes...